God Encounters Night


Sunday : 9:00am Facebook live! - 10:15AM Worship Service in Telluride- Wednesdays 7 pm (MST) Soaring Singles group Zoom Meeting - Thursdays: 12:00 PM (MST) TCF Prayer ministry via Zoom Meeting

 March 01, 2025

 5:30 PM

 Montrose, Colorado

Make plans to join us for an evening of encountering God together. This is a meeting for those who simply want to encounter God. We trust that everyone will come ready to dive in immediately. We seek to listen intently to the voice of Holy Spirit and flow with His agenda. Times of ministering in prayer and the various Holy Spirit manifestations for each other can be expected. We cannot manufacture a move of God's Spirit, but we can purposefully position ourselves to make space for Him and what He wants to do among us.

We would love to have you join us! Location address will be provided upon request.