The GCAThe Great Commission Alliance is a non-denominational Christian ministry that is committed to multiplying Christ-like multipliers until the Great Commission is completed. We seek to accomplish this through intercession and prayer, guidance and consulting, next generation ministry, international partnerships, developing great tools, and equipping believers for effective ministry.
Our DNA Each of our team members has been radically impacted by the concept of spiritual multiplication. We have seen people being won to Christ, discipled, and in turn repeating the process. Having seen actual examples of this in ministry, our team is committed to helping believers everywhere do the same. We want to help Christians everywhere become equipped to share their faith and make multiplying Christ-like multipliers.
Our HistoryThe vision of the GCA grew out of the reality of spiritual multiplication that many of us first saw in ministry with college students. Early in 2005, Nate and Erin began sensing a calling to equip the Body of Christ to make multiplying Christ-like multipliers (
see a journal entry from then here). Later, in 2009, the GCA name was first used and the GCA vision continued to be refined, as they began trusting God to raise money for it (
see a description of that here).
In 2017, their former ministry, gave them the green light to launch the GCA. On January 1st, 2018, Brandon and Anne Cox, Ben and Meghan Renfro, Chris and Michelle Kachuriak, and Nate and Erin Herbst launched the GCA. The team has more than tripled since then.
Thousands have now been trained all across the globe. Many ministry resources have been developed. God continues to grow this ministry and He is doing what only He can in and through the GCA!
Our Team Our team consists of 19 committed staff. These include (in alphabetical order) Tabitha and Russell Baker, Rachel and Aaron Bickett, Stephanie Brown, Jesse and Rhonda Denison, Richard Godsil, Nate and Erin Herbst, Drew and Dara Hoey, Chris and Michelle Kachuriak, Ben and Meghan Renfro, Philip Wilder, and Byjumon and Deborah Vijayan-Sarada. The Great Commission Alliance is a ministry of the
Lighthouse Charitable Foundation. Our team utilizes a shared leadership model of organizational structure.