Divine Healing Training


Sunday : 9:00am Facebook live! - 10:15AM Worship Service in Telluride- Wednesdays 7 pm (MST) Soaring Singles group Zoom Meeting - Thursdays: 12:00 PM (MST) TCF Prayer ministry via Zoom Meeting

 August 15, 2024

 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM


Divine Healing Training

  • Thursdays: August 1,8,15,22
  • 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm MST
  • Location: Online via Zoom Meeting
  • Receive training on Divine Healing. For those who would like to be on a ministry team for the August 30, 2024 Healing Summit, this is required. However, all are welcome to attend this free training course.
  • Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88138651987?pwd=dUQ4Rk5TUmVuTkFFbVNsRXNqVlJKUT09
  • Meeting ID: 881 3865 1987
  • Passcode: 902893