

Sunday : 9:00am Facebook live! - 10:15AM Worship Service in Telluride- Wednesdays 7 pm (MST) Soaring Singles group Zoom Meeting - Thursdays: 12:00 PM (MST) TCF Prayer ministry via Zoom Meeting

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Are You Learning To Love?

by: David Cannon



Learning to Love


One year I was seeking God concerning His goals for my life and He revealed this word: “Let love be your highest goal” (1Corinthians 14:1 NLT)! It’s always wise to keep the main thing the main thing. According to this Scripture and many others like it, the main thing is love. Pursue love like your life depended on it. Every thought, word and action should be filtered through the eyes of love. Every day you wake up you have an opportunity to pursue and acco

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Be The Best Version of You

by: David Cannon



According to God's word in Psalms 139:14, you are God's workmanship and you are marvelous! Agree with God's word!What God says about you is the greatest truth concerning you. No one else can be you and you cannot be anyone else. Practice believing what God says about you. Embrace it deeply in your heart through prayer and pondering. Be the best version of you, for there will never be another you. – David Cannon...
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Faith Will Take You Places Beyond What Human Effort Can Produce

by: David Cannon



Don’t let circumstances dictate God’s will. God’s word dictates his will. God’s word is his will. If you find yourself in the midst of a storm (a troubling situation), this does not mean that you have necessarily missed God’s will. The presence or absence of difficulty does not indicate whether one is in or out of the will of God. God’s word and His Spirit are what lead us. Often, adversity comes with opportunity. The apostle Paul said, “There’s an amazing door of opportun...
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The Simplicity Of The Gospel (A Thriving and Fulfilling Relationship)

by: David Cannon



The Simplicity Of The Gospel

(A Thriving and Fulfilling Relationship)


Is a lasting relationship with God necessarily a fulfilling relationship with God? 

What makes one relationship with God a source of joy, while another seems to be a burden?

What makes the difference between a Christian faith that not only endures, but thrives?

What can we do to make our relationship with God happier and healthier?

What exactly did we commit to when we became a Christian?

If we opened a bag of

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Joy: You Can Experience It

by: David Cannon




Do you live in a perpetual state of joy? Is experiencing uninterrupted joy a utopian dream, not a realistic pursuit? Or, is joy provided and accessible for every believer in Christ? If joy is available, why are so many professing Christians living such stressed out lives, fighting off depression and barely keeping their head above the emotional water level?


If joy is to be our normal, regular and consistent state of living, then Jesus Christ should have modeled and encour

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Do You Have To "Press Into" God's Presence?

by: David Cannon



Do You Have To “Press Into God’s Presence”?


“Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise.” – Psalms 100:4. Psalms 100:4 is a well known Scripture verse and has been included in the lyrics of many praise songs. We can learn many important principles from it. However, if we do not view this verse from a new covenant perspective, we will miss out on one of the greatest upgrades from the old covenant to the new covenant.


Under the old covenant, people had to

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Prayer: A Conversation With God

by: David Cannon



Prayer: A Conversation With God

Prayer at its core is conversation with God. There are different ways to pray and varieties of issues to pray about, but fundamentally prayer is having a conversation with God. Prayer is God’s idea. He is the one who initiates prayer. As one studies the prayers, conversations with God, in Scripture, we discover that in most cases, God began the conversation and He began it with a question. It seems that today, this is still a common discovery

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Faith In God: The Bridge and Pipeline of God's Provision

by: David Cannon



Faith in God: The Bridge and Pipeline of God’s Provision


Prayer, laying hands on the sick for healing, commanding mountains of problems to move out of our way, confessing or declaring God’s word over situations, or any other spiritual activity we are engaged in, are not the “bridge” by which God’s provision is carried into our situations.  These are not the “pipeline” through which flow the will of God in heaven becoming the will of God on earth. For example, If prayer alo

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Imagine Your Life Without Fear

by: David Cannon



Imagine what your life would be like if you didn’t have any fears. Would you pray differently? Would you minister to the sick differently? Would you be more confident as you shared your faith with others? Would you pursue that relationship that seems out of reach? If fear was extracted out of your heart, would you make that change in your career to pursue a different dream, one is which you are truly passionate about? How would life be different for you, if you weren’t hel

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Power Praying

by: David Cannon



“Power praying”, now that’s a thought. After all, who wants to pray without power? Who wants to pray ineffectual, worthless, unproductive and unsuccessful prayers? What do I mean by power praying? Power praying receives SUPERNATURAL ANSWERS! Power praying can shut the heavens, shut the mouths of lions and lying demons and close the doors of hell’s agenda. Power praying can also open up the heavens, releasing the powerful provision of God to be harvested!!!


Power praying is

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Faith And Patience Lead To Fulfilling God's Will

by: David Cannon



Fulfilling the will of God for your life is not a one-time event but a process. It will require faith and patient endurance. What you start in faith must be continued in faith, which is what patient endurance really is. Patient endurance is simply faith over a prolonged period of time. God’s word instructs you to “follow the example of those who are going to inherit God’s promises because of their faith and endurance.” – Hebrews 6:12. If this were viewed as an equation it ...
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God Wants You To Find, Follow and Fulfill His Will

by: David Cannon



God didn’t create you to be a spectator, but a participator. You have been designed by God with talents, abilities, certain inclinations and personality traits that are the “core” of who you are. As strengthening your core muscles helps prevent injuries and empowers you to perform your best in the physical realm, so strengthening the “core” of who you are will improve your performance as you run the race He has set before you. “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created ...
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The Devil Wants To Steal Your Faith. Don't Allow It!

by: David Cannon



Does the devil want to steal your health? How about your prosperity and provision? Does the devil want to steal your joy and peace? The devil is more interested in stealing your faith in God, than he is in anything else. The devil targets your health, financial prosperity, peace of mind, healthy relationships, etc. not as an end in and of themselves. He is really after your faith in God.  That’s why you are instructed in Scripture to “fight the good fight of faith” – 1 Tim...
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Do You Need To Find God's Will Or Will God's Will Find You?

by: David Cannon



Do you understand what the will of the Lord is for your life? Are you sure that you are doing what God created you to do? Or, do you feel like you are just wondering through life, allowing circumstances to determine what direction you are to take? Do you have to be intentional to fulfill God’s will or will it happen by accident and you will somehow stumble into it?One of the most asked questions is, “How do I know the will of God?”. God is not hiding his will from you. He ...
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What Do You Look Like In The Spirit?

by: David Cannon



God is a Spirit. Jesus said, “From now on, worshiping the Father will not be a matter of the right place but with a right heart. For God is a Spirit, and he longs to have sincere worshipers who adore him in the realm of the Spirit and in truth.” – John 4:24. Therefore, our interactions with Him will also be in the realm of the spirit.You are a spirit. Scripture reveals, “may your entire being—spirit, soul, and body—be kept completely flawless in the appearing of our Lord J...
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